Lactiferous duct

Lactiferous duct
Cross section of the breast of a human female.
Dissection of a lactating breast.
1 - Fat
2 - Lactiferous duct/lobule
3 - Lobule
4 - Connective tissue
5 - Sinus of lactiferous duct
6 - Lactiferous duct
Latin ductus lactiferi
Gray's subject #271 1268

Lactiferous ducts lead from the lobules of the mammary gland to the tip of the nipple. They are also referred to as galactophores, galactophorous ducts, mammary ducts, mamillary ducts and milk ducts. They are structures which carry milk toward the nipple in a lactating female.

Lactiferous ducts are lined by a columnar epithelium supported by myoepithelial cells. Within the areola, the lactiferous duct dilates to form the lactiferous sinus in which milk accumulates in a nursing mother. When a woman is not lactating, the lacterfeous duct is usually blocked by a keratin plug. This plug prevents bacteria from entering the duct in non-lactating women.

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